Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Existe el "changing of the guard"?

Took the subte out to Plaza de Mayo, al microcentro, the very center of Buenos Aires, where all the business people run around all day in and out of their very business-y offices. I felt like I was in the way most of the time, and I'm sure we were... I thought maybe they would be mad that my parents and I were smoking in the majestic and famous Plaza, but no importa I guess. My mom kept goin on about seeing the "changing of the guard," so we posted up under a tree so that she could get out her tour book and read to us about what we were seeing. With her little glorified fanny-pack with extra useful pockets that says "California Institute of Technology" written all black and white and bold down the front of it... and sunglasses... hahaha yes. "The changing of the guard is an Argentine tradition at the historic Casa Rosada which takes place each hour, on the hour..."

More like every once in a while when they feel like it. And usually they don't feel like walking so you don't even really see it happen. Apparently the changing of the guards only really happens at one o' clock on certain days (and they're usually late, no surprise there), which we were lucky enough to actually witness, but when we did witness it and it was a bunch of guys hopping into a van to carpool about 40 meters away to the Cathedral, then sauntering about and onto their lunch break, we were kind of like, "Oh. Well fuck that," and pretty anticlimactically lit some more cigarettes. Done and done.

My pops and me, posing in front of the Cathedral where you can see the van on the right pulling up. And so we successfully captured the majestic "changing of the guards" on camera...

1 comment:

  1. hahaha parents in ba...its always a trip. ive got a great tip for you and the fam that for sure be missin you. my mom just ordered me a care package from a company called sendloveba.com - they are foreigners from the US in Buenos Aires who bake all the traditional favorite foods that are impossible to find in BA - birthday cake, choc.chip cookies, brownies, bagels, etc and they deliver them to your door in cute tote bags...my mom said the cost was like 1/3 of what it would be to have it sent from the states. My package had homemade chicken soup, bagels and skippy peanut butter...it was amaaaaazing... suerte chica! beso
